A friend on Facebook gave me an idea. Let's put together some song lyrics that we tend to mis-hear. We started this morning with 'Ride a white swan, that's the sequence of the belfry' (I've not checked the actual lyrics).
Here's a few others that I've been given. Send in some to my website and I'll put them in the next blog.
Three Degrees: 'My simple hut' (they sang this to Prince Charles)
Beatles: 'The girl with colitis goes by' (from Lucy in the Sky with diamonds)
Monkees: 'Cheer obscene bikinis' (from Daydream Believer)
Knack: 'Mice Aroma' (My Sharona)
Merrilee Rush: 'Just brush my teeth before you leave me' (from Angel of the morning)
Van McCoy: 'Use the hacksaw !' (from The Hustle)
Elvis backing singers during 'Teddy Bear' - 'Hot bananas, hot bananas'
And finally...
Paul Young: 'Every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you...' (work out the real song title for yourself)