Not too many managed to get these right. Some surprising names for groups of animals.
Here goes - you'll have to tell me if you think any of these are wrong.
CONFUSION of Guinea fowl
CLUSTER of spiders (sometimes called a CLUTTER)
PLUMP of wildfowl
GENERATION of vipers (not windscreen of vipers, as a colleague recently told me)
FEVER of stringrays (those of us of a certain age will now sing the theme tune
de de er de de, de de er de de (anything can happen in the next half an hour Troy.)
EXULTATION of skylarks
COTERIE of prarie dogs (not many coteries on my estate)
MISCHIEF of mice (how true)
DECENT of lapwings
ARRAY of hedgehogs
CLOUD of grasshoppers
TOWER of giraffes
COALITION of cheetas (journalists missed a trick in 2010. Poor old Cleggy - stuck with Compo at no.10)
BATTERY of barracudas
CONGREGATION of alligators (see you later alligator, wait a while crocodile. Sorry.)
MOB of emus (make up your own jokes).
No animals or 50-year-old ex-grammar school boys were injured in the writing of this blog.
DISCLAIMER of ex-grammar school boys? (when I was at school, most of us were animals...)